Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Suburbanization In The United States Questions

1.)Describe the process of suburbanization
- occurs when central cities lose population to the surrounding areas.

2.)What makes suburbanization possible?
-improvements in communications have allowed people to live away from the city without losing touch with what is going on there.

3.)Describe the 'Central City Dilemma'
-the central city dilemma is the concentration of a large population in the need of public services without the tax base to provide them.

4.)Define gentrification
-gentrification is the development of low income areas by the middle-class home buyers, landlords, and professional developers.

5.)Has gentrification occurred in downtown Dallas or surrounding areas?

6.)Define edge city
-edge city is a smaller, more focused, version of an urban downtown.

7.)Do you think that an edge city will develop both south or west of downtown Dallas?


Friday the speaker said that they would defend the marriage act. Obama wanted to refrain from defending the law because it was unconstitutional. Boehner thought that Obama has overstepped his authority because he had his Justice Department no longer defend the law in court. Boehner claims he, "will convene a meeting of the bipartisan Legal Advisory Group for the purpose of initiating action by the House to defend the law of the United States." His statement is likely to win approval from the Tea Party activist and of social conservatives who have critized Obama's decision.The Human Rights Campaign urged Boehner to launch a ,"Don't defend, instead repeal" lobbying effort. Boehner accusation that Obama failed by addressing a social issue when voters really want policy makers was thrown back in his face by the HRC.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The posters they are posting around Dallas with only african american children are not raciest. They are simply expressing that arican americans have abortion the most; a fact. I think abortion is okay, depending of the person and their cultural beliefs. Abortion is up to the woman that is pregnant; there might be many resons why the woman doesn't want to have the baby and some people just dont need to have kids or be mothers. If you want to have an abortion it should always be your choice because its your body.

My Culturally Diverse Neighborhood

The cultural beliefs and decisions in my neighborhood vary from place to place. The cultural beliefs in my neighborhod have changed over time. The way they feel about transportation, goods, jobs, services, food, clothing, family, education, religion, government, art, dance, music, expresions, climate, resources, games, toys, arts, media, holidays, values, customs, and morals have changed. Their expectations have lowered a large amout and they care less about the one life they have to live. Education has gone down hill on their list of importance. People in my neighborhood treat it like they dont need it to live. Family, religion, music, dance, holidays, and customs are what they care about most. The cultural diversity in my neighborhood is very limited. Groups that share social characteristics have common cultural standards. My neighborhood is very ethnocentric, they judge others in terms of their own cultural standards. They cant imagin others living any other way and dont understand their beliefs compared to their own. The values and belief thats they feel are superior to the values and belief of someone with different prefernces. If other cultures moved into a neighborhood with high ethnocentrism they would need to have alot of cultural universal traits to live together.